당신을 위한 새로운 예술, 핀즐 PINZLE
Anna & Varvara Kendel
Anna & Varvara Kendel

Illustrator Group
/ Saint Petersburg, Russia

Anna & Varvara Kendel is a illustrator team based in St. Petersburg. Since childhood, they have been painting together. They started their careers after studied illustration at the Academy. Like one single artist, they always think about ideas together and paint together to complete their work. When the watercolors spread on paper, exotic landscapes of unfamiliar land unfold before your eyes. Scenes by scenes, unique perspective of Anna & Varvara’s presents the wonders of nature and the traces of the human.

안나 & 바바라 켄델은 상트페테르부르크에서 활동하고 있는 일러스트레이터 팀입니다. 어려서부터 줄곧 함께 그림을 그렸던 그들은 아카데미에서 일러스트레이션을 전공하며 본격적인 작품 활동을 시작했습니다. 마치 한 사람의 아티스트처럼, 그들은 언제나 함께 아이디어를 고민하고 함께 그림을 그리며 작품을 완성합니다. 종이에 물감이 번지기 시작하면, 낯선 땅의 이국적인 풍경이 눈앞에 펼쳐집니다. 한 장면 한 장면, 직접 목격한 대자연의 경이로움과 그곳에 남아 있는 인간의 흔적들이 안나 & 바바라 켄델만의 독특한 시선으로 표현됩니다.

A.L. Stieglitz St. Petersburg Academy of Book and Easel Graphics Department
Chelyabinsk Art College design direction

International Illustration Fair, Guangzhou, China
Biennale of Book Illustration, St. Petersburg, Russia
Exhibition of Russian illustration Morse Festival, Ulan-Ude, Russia

The International Illustration Biennale Bratislava 2021 Golden Apple
The BIBF Ananas Illustration Exhibition 2019 Grand Prix
Golden Pinwheel Young Illustrators Competition 2020 Grand Prize 
The Bologna Book Fair 2021, 2022 Finalist
The non-fiction category in the Book Inside competition by Samokat Publishers, 2020 Winner 
The international festival of book illustration and visual literature Mores 2020 Winner
The Sheitenham illustration Awards, Great Britain 2020, 2021 Winner 
The international competition "Image of the Book" 2019-2022 Winner

Google / Macmillan Publishers / W. W. Norton & Company / Thienemann & Aladin / Samokat / Great Star Media Go

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