당신을 위한 새로운 예술, 핀즐 PINZLE


Tatsuro Kiuchi
Tatsuro Kiuchi

/ Tokyo, Japan

Tatsuro Kiuchi is an illustrator working in Tokyo. Since combining his style of oil painting with digital technology earlier, he has been awarded world-class illustration awards. He is constantly updating new works with sincerity even after making an award named after him. Even using a digital process, the color and texture from Tatsuro’s artworks convey analog sensitivity. Anyone in front of the work gets soaked in a nostalgic fragrance.

타츠로 키우치는 도쿄에서 활동하고 있는 일러스트레이터입니다. 일찍이 자신의 유화 스타일과 디지털 기술을 접목해 작업해온 그는 세계적인 일러스트레이션 상을 수상해왔습니다. 본인의 이름을 딴 상을 만들어 후배 양성에 힘쓰면서도 꾸준히 새로운 작품을 업데이트하고 있는 그의 상상력과 성실함에서 거장의 면모를 발견할 수 있습니다. 타츠로 키우치가 디지털 작업으로 자아내는 판화적 색감과 질감이 아날로그적 감성을 전달합니다. 현재와 과거가 공존하고 있는 그의 작품을 마주할 때면, 처음 보는 낯선 장면 앞에서도 왠지 모를 애틋한 향수에 젖어 듭니다.

Art Center college of Design in Pasadena, U.S

Communication Arts Illustration Annual – Selected +10 times
American Illustration – Selected +15 times
Society for Illustrators –Selected +10 times
Society of Illustrator – Gold Medal(3 times)
Kodansha Publishing Award for Illustration – Winner

airbnb / ANA / Bloomberg Businessweek / FIFA / FORTUNE / GQ / Japan Railway / KODANSHA / Narita Airport / NHK / Panasonic / Penguin Books / SONY / STARBUCKS / SUNTORY / The Guardian / The New York Times / THE NEW YORKER / The Royal Mail / The Washington Post / United Airlines

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